If your church or organization would like more information about hosting “In Her Shoes” or “Power Pair,” please complete and submit the following contact form.
What is Power Pair?
The IN HER SHOES TOUR provides the following:
All decorations for stage and tables
Swag bags for each attendee
Booklets that include scripture for reflection and home study
Break-out session leaders and materials
Games, activities, and food for breakfast and lunch (some churches prefer to provide this as an option)
Full-time event manager for IN HER SHOES accessible to you for direction as you plan/prepare all flyers, social media ads, and publicity designed specifically for your group's event
Tour bus for IHS team lodging
What is requested from you as the host:
Venue with round tables and chairs to host at least 250
One sound person (IN HER SHOES provides a media specialist the day of the event but we respectfully ask that your sound person runs your soundboard)
Bottled water for attendees
Volunteers - we need five volunteers who can help serve before, during, and after the event. Various jobs include helping with publicity, set up and tear down of tables and chairs, registration and check-in the day of the event, etc.
Help promote IN HER SHOES to your group and community
One room for break-out sessions with moms. (Girls stay in the main room with Shannon)
Press kits are also available when hosting an “In Her Shoes” event and will include but not be limited to the following: